Best Job Trackers In 2022 [Detailed Review]

What is a Job Tracker?

As a job seeker you must know what a job tracker is. There are few most famous job trackers available for the users. A job tracker helps you to manage your job search journey. You might wonder why you need the assistance of a job tracker to manage your job search, actually it is better if you could use one because the job searching journey is a complicated one so handling and managing it systematically and professionally is important. A job tracker can be a website, software or a mobile application.

You may know the common job searching process contains different tasks such as searching a job, selecting the relevant vacancy, creating a resume, applying for the job, keeping in touch with the notifications, sitting for the interview, and negotiating offers.

You know that the job searching process is a combination of different tasks and steps like,

  1. Search for a job.
  2. Selecting a relevant job vacancy.
  3. Creating the perfect resume.
  4. Applying for the job.
  5. Keep a track on the notifications.
  6. Facing the interview.
  7. Negotiations about the offers.

The Job Search Circle

You are not going to land the first job you apply for. But you will have to apply for many jobs and wait for the feedback and interviews and managing the process of every job apply by yourself by remembering every little detail is impossible without making any mistake that you cannot afford in your job search journey, Just imagine,

  • You have applied for 10 jobs
  • The job cycle has 7 tasks to complete step by step.

In this scenario you have to manage 70 tasks manually by keeping track and on time. It will definitely not go smoothly, the possibility of forgetting info like what vacancies you applied for, when did you apply, which resume did you submit etc. That is why a job tracker is important to a job seeker. The job searching circle is complex and needs a proper system. So you can use a job tracker that will assist you in handling these tasks smoothly with a stress-free mind.

Advantages of Using a Job Tracker

As mentioned before, using a job tracker is better for your job search. You must know the advantages of using one. Let us see what are the advantages of using a job tracker that could make your search smoother.

  • Find and show us relevant job advertisements.
  • Can save the jobs we prefer,
  • Can upload different resumes created by targeting different jobs.
  • Can apply for jobs through the job tracker.
  • Checking and notifying whether your resume is received or not.
  • Interview reminders.
  • Can manage a number applications

There are a number of job trackers available online for you and the following are some of the most popular and most used job trackers and we have some info on them so that you can get a rough idea before choosing a one for you.

Best online job trackers

01.Huntr Job Tracker

Huntr job application tracker

The Huntr Job Tracker is the most popular tool that you can use to manage and track your job search. Huntr collects and displays recent jobs by providing a list of preferred qualifications, responsibilities and job descriptions for each post separately. If you are interested in any of them  you can directly apply to the job by visiting the original website.


  • Shows the most recent job vacancies.
  • Upload documents like resume and cover letters
  • Manage the contacts of the recruiters.
  • Collect jobs and save
  • Track jobs by salaries, locations, contacts, dates, and other company data.
  • Provide the analytics of the process of your job search journey.
  • Map your jobs
  • Available for both the desktop and mobile.


  • No keyword analysis.


  • Free version
    • Track up to 40 jobs
    • Unlimited tasks
    • Unlimited notes
    • Chrome extension
  • Premium version
    • Track unlimited jobs
    • 25 document uploads
    • Full timeline view
    • Metrics view

02. Teal Job Tracker

Teal job application tracker

Teal is another popular job tracker among the job seeker community. Compared to others Teal has unique features available for the users. One of the special features is  the Teal Google extension that can access job advertising websites and save job posts for later use. If you choose Teal as your job tracker your job search process will be more progressive than doing it manually.


  • Sign up for free
  • Save job advertisements from many other job advertising sites.
  • Highlight the keywords and skills in the job description after you save it.
  • Saving contacts.
  • Can apply for jobs through the website directly.
  • Set reminders 
  • Resume builder


  • No option for similar job alerts 


  • 100% Free

03. JobCull Job Tracker

JobCull job management tool

JobCull job tracker is a job management system for job seekers that assists them in saving and managing their job searching process. There are some pros and cons of this job tracker also.. Let us see what they are.


  • Search and select the job opportunities you prefer.
  • Setting reminders on jobs you applied for.
  • Can update the vacancy status as applied, interviewed, etc.
  • Save the job description and other important details.
  • Can upload documents like resumes and cover letters.


  • No option to apply for any job directly.
  • Have to add details manually.


  • It’s free to use.

04. JobHero Job Tracker

Jobhero job applications tracker

JobHero is also another job tracker that you can try if you are a job seeker.It can filter the relevant jobs across the web by using the ‘JobHero Sidekick’ extension according to your preference of job field.


  • Saving jobs that you are interested in and matches your qualifications.
  • Tracking progress of your job search.
  • Setting reminders.
  • Upload resumes that are created by targeting different jobs and positions.
  • Saving contact information that you collected through your job search.
  • Suggesting the default status for the vacancies as applied, interviewed, etc.


  • No option to apply for jobs directly through the website.


  • It’s free to use.

05. JibberJobber Job Tracker

JibberJobber job tracker

JibberJobber is also a famous job tracking tool created for job seekers and head hunters to assist them in managing their job search and network. Unlike the other job trackers, JibberJobber does not interact with other job posting sites. 


  • Available for mobile in both Play Store and App Store.
  • Can save the contact details.
  • Can save the company details that you apply for.
  • Can set up reminders.


  • Complicated and complex user interface and user experience.
  • No option to save  jobs
  • No option to update the status of the job application.


  1. Free Package
    • Free account for life.
    • Over 16 years of features packed into this very powerful account
    • Limited to 25 contacts and 25 companies
  1. Premium Package – $60 per year
    • Email2Log 
    • Push reminders to your email 
    • An unlimited number of Contacts and Companies, and more.
  1. Job Search Program Package – $197 
    • Designed to help the user network into interviews. 
    • Access the app through web or mobile (coming soon).

Qualities of Good Job Trackers

Reasonable Price

If a job tracker is 100% free to use,it is great because the users can get maximum service with quality form it.  But if there is a price it must not be too much but reasonable. The job trackers that charge money to provide their service  have monthly payment or annual payment systems and some of them offer trial periods also. 

Easy To Use

The purpose of job tracker is making the job searching journey more simple and easy to use. If the features of a particular job tracker is easy to understand and the process of using it is easy to learn, it is a great job tracker.

Easy To Access

To use a job tracker you have to create a user account and it should be easy because one of the main purposes of a job tracker is saving time. Almost all the job trackers request an email to create an account which is great and simple. But if it is required to request more info by spending time and securing data like bank account details at the first step it is going to be a problem and that quality does not make a good job tracker.